Creating and Editing a Team Template
To create a new team template, use the following process. Editing a team template is essentially the same; however, you make changes rather than entries.
1. Click the new team template icon from the Team Templates table to open the New Team Template window. To edit a team, from the Team Templates page right-click a team template and choose the edit icon from the actions menu to open the Edit Team Template window. To base your new team template on an existing team template, see Using Save As to Create a Team Template.
a. Enter a team template name in the Name field. Team template names must be unique within the context in which they are created. This is a required field.
b. Enter a description of the team in the Description text box.
2. Select the team roles.
To select roles, click the add role icon . The Find Participants window opens with Type: Role selected. Search for the role you want to add or press Search to bring up a list of roles you can choose from. Select the roles you want to add and click OK or Apply. If you choose Apply, you can then search for another role.
3. Assign participants to each role.
When you have added a role into the Role/Participants column, you can assign participants to each role. Click the add participants icon for the role you want to add participants to. In the Find Participants window, you can select the type of participant you want to search for. For more information, see Choosing Participants.
4. To remove a role or participant, click the remove roles or participants icon in the row of the role or participant you want to remove. To remove multiple roles or participants, select the checkbox next to each that you want to remove, then click remove roles or participants icon above the table.
You can use the expand all icon and collapse all icon to view or hide the participants assigned to a role to have a detailed or simplified view of the table. If any roles are selected with the check box, these buttons expand or collapse only the selected rows. You can also use the expand and collapse icons on an individual role.
5. Click OK.
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