Using Save As to Create a Team Template
You can base a new team on an existing team by using the Save As function. To base your new team template on an existing team template, click Save As from the actions menu for the template you want to replicate on the Team Templates table or from its information page. The Save As window opens, allowing you to rename the new team template. The new team template is by default the name of the existing team template preceded with Copy of. You can then edit any of the copied properties for the new team template by selecting Edit from the actions menu new template’s information page or on the Team Templates table.
To duplicate a team template, follow the procedure below:
1. From the Team Templates page, right-click the team template you want to duplicate to bring up the actions menu.
2. Click Save As.
The Save As window opens.
3. Enter the name of the new team template in the Name field.
4. Click OK to save your changes.
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