Basic Administration > Managing User Participation > Team Template Administration
Team Template Administration
The Team Templates page is not available from Windchill ProjectLink.
Team templates provide a way to map team template roles to specific users, groups, and organizations. They allow the efficient selection of a team when creating life cycle-managed objects, defining workflows, and initiating manual workflow and search pages. Team templates are used for life cycle-managed properties pages, search results pages, and workflow pages.
A team is a set of roles, usually mapped to specific users, groups, and organizations.
Team templates make it possible to define a relatively small and manageable number of life cycles. You can define a life cycle with roles and then define several team templates with those roles to be used with the life cycle. Otherwise, you would have to define one life cycle template for each combination of assignees possible.
The Team Templates page can be opened from either of the following areas:
From Utilities page, click Team Administration.
From the Team Templates view on the Templates page.
The following list summarizes the differences and relationships between teams and team templates:
Teams cannot be manually created from team templates. Team creation is automatic, based on associations to business objects and workflow requirements.
Team templates are used only in the creation of teams. When a business object that requires a team is created, the necessary team is automatically created from the designated team template.
Updates to team templates do not affect existing teams that were created from the template. Team template changes are reflected in new teams only.
Each team created for a specific business object is distinct from other teams created for objects of the same type.
For example, two problem reports in the same library may have associated teams that initially appear to be identical, consisting of the same roles and participants; however, changes made to one of the problem report teams do not affect the other problem report team.
On the Team Templates page, the new team template icon and the Edit action open the New Team Template and Edit Team Template windows, respectively. The following actions are available in both windows.
Add Role
Opens a Find Participants window that allows you to search for roles.
Add Participants
Opens a Find Participants window that allows you to search for non-role participants.
Remove roles or participants
Removes the selected roles or participants from the table.
Expand All
Expands the participants list under each role. If a role is selected, that role’s participant list is expanded.
Collapse All
Collapses the participants list under each role. If a role is selected, that role’s participant list collapses.
For more information on using the New Team Template or Edit Team Template windows, see Creating and Editing a Team Template.
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