Action Item Information Page
Action items are used to track issues or tasks as part of a project, program, or product. However, action items are not formally tracked in the plan.
The action item information page is a collection point for information related to the action item. Click the information icon next to an action item to view its information page.
From the information page, you can perform actions on an action item, as well as view the object attributes and any related information. For an overview of information page functionality, see About Information Pages and Customizing Information Page Tabs.
Information pages contain a list of applicable actions in the Actions menu, found on the left side of the page next to the object name.
The action item information page includes several actions that are frequently available from the Actions menu. For more information on those actions, see Common Actions.
In addition to common actions, following actions are available from the action item information page.
Edit Action Item
Modify an action item.
View discussion threads associated with an action item.
Create links, upload files, and organize the information related to an action item in files and folders.
Notify through email when an action item is modified or deleted.
The availability of these actions depends on the status of the action item, as well as your access to it. For more information about status indicators, see Understanding Data Accessibility and Object Status.
Tabs and Tables
You can customize the tabs that appear on each object information page to display the information most useful to you.
Administrators might have modified the default tabs that are viewable to you. Additional tabs might appear depending on the solutions deployed at your site.
Click the add tab icon to create a new tab. When you create a new tab, the Customize menu appears, allowing you to view any additional information tables that might not appear on the default tabs. For more information, see Customizing Information Page Tabs.
The following tables are available from the Customize menu:
The Subjects table lists the Windchill object associated with the action item. Action items are associated with an object when they are created from the Action Items table located on certain object information pages. To access this table, navigate to an object information page and select Customize > Related Objects > Action Items.
Action items created from the Tasks table do not have a subject object.
The Details tab displays the Attributes table. For a list of attributes commonly available in Windchill, see Object Attributes.
Attributes not listed might be considered a common attribute, a variation of a common attribute, or might not appear at your site.
Depending on the needs at your site, you might see additional attributes, while others might be hidden, reordered, renamed, or designated as required by administrators.
Name of the action item.
Additional information about the action item.
The team member who is responsible for the successful completion of the action item.
The business category that best describes the action item. This information can be used to search for action items and might be unique to your site.
Action Item Priority
Identifies the level of importance associated with resolving the action item.
The date by which the action item must be resolved.
A description of the work completed to resolve the action item.
The state of the action item:
In Work
Estimated Start
The date on which action item work is expected to begin.
Estimated Finish
The date by which action item work is expected to be completed.
Status and Risk
% Work Complete
The percentage of total work that has been completed on the action item.
The status of the action item:
Green—Indicates that there are no risks or obstacles; ready to proceed.
Yellow—Indicates caution; check before proceeding.
Red—Indicates an alert of high risk; do not proceed.
Unavailable—The status is not set.
Status Description
The status description provides any additional information about the status.
Identifies the probability that action item will not be successfully completed and describes the obstacles that might undermine the action item work. Possible values are Very High, High, Medium, Low, Very Low, and Unavailable.
Risk Description
A brief explanation of risk setting.
An assessment of whether the action item will be resolved by the deadline.
Cost Impact
Approximate cost associated with action item work.
A brief description of other processes affected by the action item.
A brief description of the resources available to help complete the action item work, or any resources that might be necessary for the work to be completed.
This attribute is defined by user input, not by assigning a plan resource.
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