Part Information Page
Parts in Windchill are a database record of a component or assembly in the bill of material of a product that is manufactured and shipped to a customer.
The part information page is a collection point for information related to the part. The information page of a part is accessed by clicking the information icon next to a part in data tables and product structures where parts are shown.
From the information page, you can perform actions on a part, as well as view the object attributes and any related information.
For an overview of information page functionality, see About Information Pages and Customizing Information Page Tabs.
Information pages contain a list of applicable actions in a menu in the upper left corner of the page. See Actions Common Among Objects for a list of actions available in Windchill. The availability of these actions depends on the status of the part, as well as your access to it. For more information about status indicators, see Object Status.
The following actions may be of particular interest for this object.
Add Distribution Targets
Launches a window from which you can select a distribution target for the part. A distribution target typically represents another enterprise system, such as an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system, or an entity within that system, such as a manufacturing plant or location. You must associate a distribution target before you can select the Send To Distribution Target action.
This action appears only when Windchill ESI is installed.
Check In
Checks in the part. This action is available only if you have permission to update a part, and the part is currently checked out.
When a part is checked in, this action is disabled, and the Check Out action appears.
For more detail on the check in action, see Checking In an Object
Check Out
Checks out the part. This action is available only if you have permission to update a part, and the part is currently checked in.
When a part is checked out, this action is grayed out from the list, and the Check In and Undo Check Out actions are selectable.
For more detail on the check out action, see Checking Out an Object
Check Out and Edit
Checks out the part and opens the Edit Part window. This action is available only if you have permission to update a part, and the part is currently checked in. Using the Edit Part window, you can make the changes to the part and check it back in, or alternately save the changes without checking in. For more information on editing parts, see Editing a Part
Compare Information
Opens a window to search for a part to compare against the current part. Once a part is selected a second window opens to select comparison options. Comparison results are then displayed in the Comparison Report window. For more information on comparing part information, see Comparing Object or Version Information.
Compare to CAD Structure
Compares the current part structure to the equivalent CAD document structure in a side-by-side comparison tool. For more information on comparing part structures to CAD document structures, see Comparing CAD Document Structure to Part Structure.
Compare to Part Structure
Compares the current part structure to another part structure of your choosing in a side-by-side comparison window. For more information on comparing two part structures, see Compare to Part Structure.
Launches the Configure window that allows you to select the desired options used for creating a new variant part. This option is only available for configurable parts.
Display Related Manufacturing Objects
Opens the Collected Objects window, which lists all manufacturing objects related to the selected object, as selected by the collector.
This actions appears only when Windchill MPMLink is installed.
Opens the Edit Part window from which you can modify the attributes of the part. You must have modify permissions for the part and the part cannot be checked out to another user.
This action appears only when the part is checked out to you; if the part is checked in, select Check Out and Edit.
Edit Common Attributes
Opens the Edit Common Attributes window. From this window you can edit the attributes that are common to all versions of the part. Editing the common attributes changes these values for all versions and their corresponding iterations.
Edit Usage Attributes
Opens the Edit Usage Attributes window. From this window you can edit the attributes that are defined on the relationship between the part and the assembly it is used in. These attributes include quantity, trace code, reference designator, and others.
This action appears only when a product structure is displayed because usage attributes are on uses relationship between an assembly part and one of its children. The most efficient way to edit part usage attributes is to right-click the child part in the Structure tab of a part information page.
Merge Option Sets
Merges the option sets assigned to lower-level products with the option set assigned to a top-level product.
This action is disabled by default. To enable it, you need to update the property in the site.xconf file. For more information, see Merging Option Sets.
New Part Configuration
Creates a new part configuration from the current part.
The configuration specification used for the part configuration depends on whether or not you have viewed the Structure table the part information page. If you have never viewed the Structure table for this part, the Latest configuration specification is used; otherwise, the configuration specification set when you last viewed the Structure table is used.
New Part Instance
Creates a new part instance based off of the current part.
This action is not available if the part's default trace code is Untraced.
New Variance
Opens the New Variance window that allows you to create a deviation or waiver for the current part. A deviation is a request to depart from design specifications for parts not yet produced, a waiver is a request to accept produced parts that do not conform to design specifications.
New View Version
Opens the New View Version window to create a view specific version of the part.
New One-Off Version
Opens the New One-Off Version window to create a branched version of the part.
Open in Creo View
Opens the visualization image for the current part in Creo View
Open in
Launches the part in the Creo View visualization tool using the default configuration specification filter.
Publish to CAD
Enables you to synchronize a part or part assembly with an associated CAD structure. It queues submitted CAD publishing tasks and functions uninterrupted in the background until all tasks are processed. For more information, see Publishing Mass Changes to CAD.
Reassign View
Opens the Reassign View window that allows you to assign the part to a different view.
The Reassign View action cannot be performed on a part having versions in different views as it would result in a loss of part information.
Remove Merged Items
Removes the merged choices and local rules that were added from a lower-level option set.
Send To Distribution Target
Sends part information to the external enterprise system you selected using the Add Distribution Targets action.
This action appears only when Windchill ESI is installed.
Undo Checkout
Releases the reservation on a checked out part without saving any changes, no new iteration of the part is created.
You can only undo the checkout of a part that you have previously checked out.
For more information on the undo checkout action, see Undoing a Checkout
View ERP Part Details
View the ERP information for the part.
This action appears only when Windchill ESI is installed.
View Logic
Launches the Logic view window displaying the configuration logic for a configurable part.
The following tabs are viewable on the part information page. You can customize the tabs that appear on each object information page to display the information most useful to you. For more information, see Customizing Information Page Tabs.
Administrators may have modified the tabs that are viewable to you.
Lists the part attributes and contains a visualization image of the part. For more information, see About Visualization.
Displays the part structure in a two or three-pane display. Add or remove parts or modify existing parts within the structure. You can also view visualization and occurrences information. For more information, see Using the Part Structure Tab.
Related Objects
Contains tables showing product definition data describing or related to the part. You can view or edit the information related to the part using the action menus at the top of these tables.
Contains the Associated Changes table showing change related objects that are related to the part, such as change requests and change notices.
Use this information to see part changes that have occurred in the past and changes that are currently in process.
Contains a dynamic time line displaying events that have occurred in the development of the part such as new versions and changes in lifecycle state. Use your mouse to move the time scale to the left and right, revealing additional events. Click an event name to see more information.
Where Used
Contains a table displaying where the part is used from the immediate parent assembly up to the highest level assembly.
Use this information to see the use of part designs and the impact of design changes on product end items.
The related upstream and downstream object tables in the Traceability tab show how parts are related to the requirements they address and specifications that drive their development. The Traceability tab is displayed when:
Windchill Requirements Management Requirements Management is installed
The preference Show Traceability Tab is set to Yes. When set to No, the default, this tab is hidden.
Contains tables displaying the approved manufacture and vendor parts, and any associated changes. Only available when Windchill Supplier Management is installed.
Contains table displaying the UDI details. It is available only if the UDI module is installed.
Variant Baseline
Displays the associated variant baselines for a part, a module variant, or a lower level part.
Contains the Effectivity table displaying the effectivity details of the selected effectivity-managed object, such as type, context, qualifier, and range.
The Effectivity table is displayed in Part Structure Browser only when you enable the Effectivity Tab Display preference under the Structure category.
This tab is also available in the upgraded Windchill installations.
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