Click this icon to create a UDI Super Set. For more information, see Creating a UDI.
Copy Selected Object
Copy a part to the clipboard to be used in a subsequent paste operation.
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Create a new change notice. The change notice includes an implementation plan detailing the tasks required to make the change. For more information, see Creating a Change Notice.
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Create a new review to validate the requirement.
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Create a new problem report to document a problem or request a product enhancement. For more information, see Creating a Problem Report.
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Create a new change request. For more information, see Creating a Change Request
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Create a new variance in the folder. For more information, see Creating a Variance.
The non-revisable UDI Super Set is not a changeable object. If you select multiple UDI Super Sets including revisable and non-revisable, for creating a change object, then only revisable UDI Super Set will get added in the Affected Objects table.
You can create change objects (change notice, change request, problem report, variance, and review) only for the revisable UDI super set.
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Create a new change notice.
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Create a new review to validate the requirement.
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Create a new problem report to document a problem or request a product enhancement. For more information, see About Design Reviews.
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Create a new variance in the folder.
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Create a new change request.
General Status
Status of the Super Set object. If the object is checked out, this column displays an icon indicating that the object is checked out.
Change Status
It displays an icon after the object is checked in.
Object Type Indicator
It displays an icon indicating the type of the object. The types of objects are: UDI Super Set and UDI Super Set (Revisable).
Current version and number of the object. Click on this number to view the UDI Info page.
Name of the object.
Primary Device Identifier
This number is the primary lookup for a medical device product.
Indicates the current state of the object. The object can be in one of the following states: Creation, Approval, Closed, and Canceled.
Last Modified
Date and time when the object was last modified.
Current library the UDI is associated to.
For revisable super sets, the information about the latest revision is displayed.