Updating a Vault
To update a vault definition from the Vault Configuration window:
1. Select the vault, then click or select Object > Update to open the Update Vault window.
2. Modify the properties as needed:
If you change the name in the Name field, remember that the new name must be unique among the vaults defined.
In the Vault type field, you change a replica vault to a cache vault or to change a cache vault to a replica vault. You cannot change a main vault to any other vault type. When you select Cache vault, the vault is selected as the local cache vault for the site. As such, it is the sole vault at the site which receives and contains uploaded files prior to their being revaulted to their permanent storage locations.
You cannot change the Automatic folder creation checkbox.
For replica vaults, you can select or clear the Automatic cleanup of older content checkbox. When this checkbox is selected, automatic cleanups are performed on this vault according to the rules and schedule that are specified in the Automated cleanup of replica vaults window.
You can change the vault access status by selecting or clearing the Read Only checkbox. When the Read only checkbox is selected, the vault is not available for storing content files when they are uploaded.
You can select the Default target for site checkbox if it is not selected, but you cannot directly clear it if it is selected. Because there must always be a default target for the site (replica or cache vault) or default system target (main vault), the checkbox is cleared automatically when you designate another vault as the default target.
Only main site can have default system target vault.
When a main vault is designated as the default system target for the site, and when the wt.fv.useVaultsForAllContent property is true, the vault becomes the destination for revaulting operations for content not covered by revaulting rules.
When a replica or cache vault is designated as the default target for a site, it becomes the target of replication operations when the target vault has not been explicitly specified.
You can change the sequence numbers of folders within the vault in the Main Folders area. The sequence numbers determine the order in which the system searches the vault for a folder in which to store content. When the system searches for a folder, it chooses a folder with the lowest sequence number that allows write access.
To view only folders that have not been designated as read-only, select Show Only Writable.
To change the sequence number of a folder, select the folder and use Move Top, Move Up, Move Down, and Move Bottom.
3. Click OK.
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