Vault Configuration Page
The Vault Configuration window displays a tree view of the objects on all sites, which includes all of the hosts, vaults, replica vaults, folders, replica folders, and root folders. You can access the Vault Configuration window from Utilities > File Server Administration, available from Products , Libraries , and Site .
To perform site configuration tasks, such as adding a new site, use File Server Administration > Site Management. To create domain vaulting rules that map object types and life-cycle states to specific vaults for content file storage, use File Server Administration > Vaulting Rules. To view vaulting rules, select a domain and its corresponding context using the domain picker. The Domain Vaulting Rules table displays the vaulting rules present for the selected domain.
From the Vault Configuration window, you can complete the following tasks:
Clean up vaults and folders by removing unreferenced files
(host, vault, or folder)
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