Creating a Mount
To create a mount for a folder:
1. In the Vault Configuration window, expand a cabinet that holds the folders and then select the folder.
2. Click or select Object > Mount to open the New Mount window.
3. Complete the following fields:
The host system on which the specified folder is mounted.
This is the system on which content file data that is assigned to this folder can be stored. If the Host Type is Cluster Node, the mounts are created for all hosts having the Host Type of Cluster Node.
Folder or Root Folder
The folder to be mounted on the specified host system.
This folder represents a physical storage location on the host. A folder must be enabled before it can be used to store content files. Before it can be enabled, a folder must be mounted.
Path or Root Path
The path to the physical storage location represented by the designated folder.
The mount path is a physical storage location relative to a host system on which Windchill method servers are running.
If a mount is directed to a nonexistent path, uploads and downloads to the mount fail. Changing the path value makes all files uploaded to the previous mount location inaccessible until they are relocated to the new path location.
For Amazon S3, the Root Path is of the following format:<Bucketname>/<key>.
You can mount the Amazon S3 path on a Root Folder only and not on a Folder as the Mount Type information is not saved on a Folder.
Mount Type
The storage on which the specified folder is mounted.
Valid types are File system based and Amazon S3. If you choose the type as File system based, the folder is mounted on file system.
If you choose the type as Amazon S3, the folder is mounted on Amazon S3 type of object storage.
This field is visible on the user interface when you configure the object storages like Amazon S3.
4. Click OK.
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