PTC FlexPLM Fundamentals > Materials Tracker > Working with the Materials Tracker Dashboard > Materials Tracker Actions on the Details Tab
Materials Tracker Actions on the Details Tab
The materials tracker actions menu on the Details tab contains the following items:
UpdateUpdate attributes for the materials tracker.
DeleteDelete the materials tracker.
Change Type—Change the type classification of the object. If you select this option, a warning message appears to indicate that you might lose data during the retyping, depending on the attribute definitions for the types involved.
Discuss—Manage discussions related to the materials tracker.
SubscriptionsSubscribe to a discussion or topic so you can receive an email notification when new topics are posted.
Change State: Collection—Change the life cycle state.
Change Team: Collection—Change user groups and group members.
Email PageEmail the content of the page.
Where Used—Access the Where Used page for the materials tracker.
Iteration History—Takes you to the Collection Iteration Details page where you can view the iteration history.