PTC FlexPLM Fundamentals > Materials Tracker
Materials Tracker
The materials development process can occur at the same time as product development. This process consists of separate activities and schedules that are similar to product development activities and schedules. Product development depends on materials development; often, the product cannot be approved until the materials are approved.
Using the materials tracker, you can track activities and milestones for groups of materials. You can manage materials, material suppliers, and material colors using dashboard and calendar functionality.
For tasks to appear on the dashboard, they must exist on the materials tracker calendar and be defined on the Tasks By Level section of the materials tracker details page.
Additionally, for dates to appear in the dashboard for a given material, material supplier, or material color, the material tracker calendar tasks must also exist on the corresponding material object calendar. For example, if Task A is defined on the materials tracker calendar as a material level task, it must also exist on the material calendar as Task A for dates to appear in the dashboard. If the task names match but the levels do not match, the dates do not appear on the dashboard.
Materials Tracker Functionality
Working with the Materials Tracker Dashboard
Managing Calendars for Materials Trackers