Before You Install the Experience Service
Before You Install the Experience Service
Before you install the Experience Service on-premises, you’ll want to prepare your environment and plan your deployment. The following sections describe various options and actions to consider before performing the installation.
1. Ensure Your System Meets the Minimum Requirements
Review the following topics regarding system requirements for installing and configuring the Experience Service:
System Requirements
Hardware Sizing
Required Software for Target Generation
2. Collect Required Items and Information
To install and run the Experience Service successfully, you’ll need the following:
A supported version of the Experience Service installer
Check the PTC Software Downloads page for the most recent version of the Experience Service.
The base URL for a ThingWorx server
Postgres connection information (if using postgres)
Files containing TLS private key and public certificates (if using HTTPS)
3. Decide on an Authentication Method
Before you begin installing the Experience Service, we recommend that you decide which of the following authentication methods your company will use:
Basic Authentication
Single Sign-on (OpenID Connect)
For more in depth information about different types of authentication, see Authentication Methods
4. Begin the Installation
Once you’ve completed the Steps 1-3, begin your installation.
Install the Experience Service on Windows
Install the Experience Service on Linux