Work with Procedures in Vuforia Editor > Working with Assets > 3D Models > Refine a Custom Viewing Position for a Large Object
Refine a Custom Viewing Position for a Large Object
A default viewing position will be created automatically whenever you edit or add a marker to a model, but you can also refine a custom view if the model is of a large object (for example, SUVs and larger). The refined custom viewing position would then initiate Model Target tracking instead of using the auto-generated default view created by Vuforia.
Setting a custom view can be helpful if:
The model you are using is large and you only want the Vuforia Vantage user to focus on the portion of the model that’s relevant to that step in the procedure.
You want to show the Vuforia Vantage user a angle that’s hard to get to. For example, something that is inside of an object.
You want to set the best angle to view the object from.
Set a Custom Viewing Position
Custom viewing positions are set on individual steps in a procedure; therefore, each step in a procedure could potentially have a different custom viewing position.
1. Open a procedure that contains a 3D model.
2. Select the step in the procedure for which you want to set a custom viewing position for the model.
3. Click the set custom viewing position icon.
4. The 3D edit canvas will outline in green, and you can then set the custom viewing position using the actions at the bottom of the canvas.
5. Once you have the viewing position where you want it, click SET.
6. Now, when you select that step in the procedure going forward, your new custom viewing position will be shown in the 3D edit pane.
If you hover over the viewing position, a larger preview appears.