Capture Procedures with Vuforia Capture > Vuforia Capture for Microsoft HoloLens 2 and Trimble XR10 Devices
Vuforia Capture for Microsoft HoloLens 2 and Trimble XR10 Devices
Additional Information
Install Vuforia Capture on HoloLens 2 and Trimble XR10 Devices
Capture a Procedure with a HoloLens 2 or Trimble XR10 Device
Key Voice Commands
If You Want to...
Pin the Vuforia Capture menu to a place in your environment. Pinning the menu will keep it in that location until you unpin it.
“Pin menu”
Unpin the menu, and allow it to follow you as you move throughout your environment.
“Unpin menu”
Bring the menu within reach if it has been pinned out of view.
“Summon menu”
Access the settings page to view account information and configure settings for the app.
Create a new capture session.
“Start session”
Start a new step.
“Next step”
Take a picture within the current step.
“Take photo”
For more information on taking pictures during your session, see Take a Photo.
Place and save an Area Target location marker to help users identify where they should physically be when performing a step.
Once you save your Area Target location, you should see the 3D marker stay in place in the desired position.
For more information about placing Area Target locations in a procedure, see Place Area Target location Markers.
“Place location”
“Save location”
Pause recording the capture session.
Once you say, “Resume session,” video recording will start again on a new step.
Once you pause a session, the following options are available from the Session Paused window:
Delete Session
Finish Session
Resume Session
Exit the app.
“Exit this app”
For information about HoloLens 2 voice commands, see the “HoloLens-specific commands” section on Microsoft’s Voice Input page.
Capture Menu
The Capture menu can be controlled using touch or voice. The following image describes the available actions on the menu:
The menu can be aligned to the left or right of your view. This can be configured from the settings menu on the home page.