Work with Procedures in Vuforia Editor > Navigate the User Interface > 3D Viewer
3D Viewer
When you open a 3D model from your asset library, the model opens in the 3D VIEWER where you can view the model and available product states and create new product states.
Product State Actions
From the list of Related Product States, you can load different product states or perform different actions on the product states by clicking the menu next to a state (). The following actions are available:
View the following information about the product state:
Name—Name of the product state
Type—Type of asset (for product states, this will always be modelview)
Location—The folder location of the 3D model that the product state belongs to
Create by—The user that created the product state and the date and time it was created
Allows you to rename the product state.
Model Settings (only available for the product state that is currently loaded)
Opens the MODEL SETTINGS window which allows you to set the default orientation of the model.
Share a specific product state with other users in your organization.
Move (only available for the product state that is currently loaded)
Move the entire model and all product states to a different location.
Allows you to delete the product state. For more information, see Asset Deletion