Release Notes > ThingWorx Apps 8.5.2 Release Notes
ThingWorx Apps 8.5.2 Release Notes
For instructions on upgrading to the ThingWorx Apps 8.5.2 service pack release, see Upgrading to an 8.5 Service Pack Release.
Upgrading to 8.5.2
After following the instructions found in Upgrading ThingWorx Apps that are appropriate for your source system, complete the following steps:
1. Migrate your data:
a. In ThingWorx Composer, navigate to the PTC.SCA.SCO.OAMigrator thing.
b. Under Services, execute the service applicable for the release from which you upgraded:
The service has completed successfully when "No results" displays in the service output pane.
2. Update the MPMLink OData connector thing:
a. Navigate to the duplicate MPMLink OData connector thing (PTC.SCA.SCO.MPMLink_ODataConnector).
b. In the OData Connector Connection Settings configuration table, update the Service Root Relative URL values to appear as follows:
c. Under HTTP Connector Connection Settings, update the Relative URL value from /servlet/odata/v1 to /servlet/odata (remove the /v1) if needed.
d. If you are configuring Operator Advisor functionality, create a duplicate of the updated MPMLink OData connector thing (PTC.SCA.SCO.MPMLink_ODataConnector), and configure it for your system as instructed in Configuring the MPMLink OData Connector.
In addition to bug fixes, ThingWorx Apps includes the following enhancements, resolved support cases, and known issues:
ThingWorx Apps 8.5.2 is compatible with ThingWorx 8.5.2.
For information on ThingWorx Operator Advisor enhancements in 8.5.2, see ThingWorx Operator Advisor 8.5.2 Release Notes.
Resolved Support Cases
The following support cases are resolved in the ThingWorx Apps 8.5.2 release.
Case Number
Addressed performance issues for the KPI calculation and status evaluation schedulers.
Known Issues
The following known issues are present in the ThingWorx Apps 8.5.2 release.
Known Issue
Viewing mashups directly from within ThingWorx Composer for the first time can result in a message saying that the user does not have a valid licence.
Workaround: Reload the mashup.
This issue will be addressed in a future ThingWorx Apps release.
Extra white space appears on the Status page when configuring a piece of equipment.
This issue will be addressed in a future ThingWorx Apps release.
On an asset for which IndustrialThingShape has been added as an implemented shape, changing the connection specified in the IndustrialThing property results in a broken connection.
Workaround: Reinitialize the Kepware server.
This issue will be addressed in a future ThingWorx Apps release.
In Asset Advisor, the Additional Properties and Monitored Properties tables take more than five seconds to load because the GetAdditionalProperties service is executing slowly.
Ensure that remotely bound properties have a Cache Method setting of Read from server cache rather than Fetch from remote every read.
The Cache method setting controls whether property values are read from a property cache that is maintained on the ThingWorx server, or are read directly from the Edge device. The Read from server cache setting causes property values to be read from the server-maintained property cache, which is more performant.
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