Package Your Solution
If you are not connected to Solution Central, you can only package your solution and not publish it. Whether an instance is connected is determined by the Connect to Solution Central setting in the instance registration. Refer to Register Your ThingWorx Instance for details.
This topic provides instructions for packaging your project. If you want package and publish your solution to Solution Central, refer to the Package and Publish Your Solution topic.
Before You Begin
A ThingWorx project is published as a solution to Solution Central. You need to build such projects before you can package them. Before you begin packaging your solution, ensure that the project you want to package exists in ThingWorx. For help with creating new projects or importing existing projects, see the following topics from the ThingWorx Help Center:
Review the Best Practices for Developers topic for guidelines that developers can follow while developing a solution, creating a Group ID and an Artifact ID, versioning extensions, updating project dependencies, defining user permissions, and testing a solution’s functionality and deployment.
Package Your Solution
1. Log in to ThingWorx Composer.
2. Click Projects. From the displayed list of projects, open the project you want to package by clicking the project name.
3. On the General Information page for the selected project, ensure your project has a unique name.
4. On the Entities page for your project, all entities added for this project are displayed. You can add additional entities, if necessary.
If your project references an entity belonging to another project or extension, while packaging, Project Dependencies or Extension Dependencies are automatically added to your project. Your application must be created as a Project in ThingWorx for these dependencies to be automatically added.
You can add additional dependencies, if necessary. Ensure the Project Dependencies you add are packaged or published.
If your solution references an entity which has a Property whose Base Type is PASSWORD, the following issues may occur while deploying the solution on a ThingWorx instance other than the one on which it was published:
In ThingWorx 9.x, the PASSWORD value is ignored.
In ThingWorx 8.5.x, the entity is ignored.
Do not delete projects or extensions referenced by other projects. The dependents may get deleted without a warning and the project might not function as intended.
5. On the Package page for your project, click Create Package.
Create Package
If you have packaged this solution before, the following fields are prepopulated: Name, Group ID, and Artifact ID. Verify these package details and then click Create Package.
6. On the Package page, review the external dependencies for your solution. As you gather entities in the project, these entities may reference other entities which are not part of the project. This creates external dependencies. Without resolving these external dependencies, a solution cannot function. The external dependency check helps ensure that all external dependencies are accounted for before you can proceed with the packaging of the solution. Refer to theDependency Scanner topic for details.
If you encounter issues related to dependencies, click Cancel and resolve the issues.
You must first package the dependencies marked as "Not published" before you can continue with the packaging of this solution.
Dependencies with unassigned projects/extensions will be automatically assigned to this project. If you would like to assign them to other projects, click Cancel and then reassign them.
If the scanning of an entity fails, investigate using the ThingWorx logs and then retry packaging. If the scanning fails on retry, contact PTC Technical Support.
Once you have resolved all issues related to dependencies, click Continue to proceed with the packaging of this solution.
7. On the Package page, enter or verify the following details:
a. Name: Helps identify the solution you are packaging and publishing. This value is automatically populated from the name of the project that you are packaging.
b. Version: Identifier used to track the version of the solution that you are packaging and publishing.
c. Group ID: Helps group related solutions together. Once a Group ID has been created for a solution, it cannot be changed.
Refer to the “Creating a Group ID and an Artifact ID” section in the Best Practices for Developers topic for guidelines on creating a Group ID.
d. Artifact ID: Helps identify a particular solution within its group. Once an Artifact ID has been created for a solution, it cannot be changed.
Refer to the “Creating a Group ID and an Artifact ID” section in the Best Practices for Developers topic for guidelines on creating an Artifact ID.
e. Description: Description for your solution (optional)
f. Minimum Required ThingWorx Version: The minimum ThingWorx version on which the solution will work. This field is automatically populated with the version of your current ThingWorx instance.
8. Click Create Package to create the new package.
Packaging can take several minutes. You are notified once your solution is packaged. If the packaging of your solution is not successful, an error message is displayed. Resolve the issues mentioned in the error message and retry packaging.
You can view all packaged solutions at Manage > Repositories > PackagedSolutions.
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