Upgrade ThingWorx Navigate > In-Place Upgrade > Restore Your Custom Tasks and Blacklisted Attributes into the Target System
Restore Your Custom Tasks and Blacklisted Attributes into the Target System
Reimport Your Custom Tasks
If you have custom tasks, reimport those custom tasks you backed up earlier. To do so, complete the following steps:
1. Configure the Integration Connector for your custom tasks. For more information, refer to relevant topic:
WindchillConnector (ptc-windchill-demo-thing) is deprecated, and will be removed in the release following ThingWorx Navigate 9.1. For a smooth transition to the next release, update your custom tasks to use the OData connector.
For more information, see Upgrade Custom Tasks.
2. Ensure that the TWXNavigate:AppMashup tag is added to your custom task’s mashup.
3. Restart Apache Tomcat and ThingWorx Integration Runtime.
Restore Your Blacklisted Attributes
If you made any changes to the blacklisted attributes, restore the blacklist you backed up before the upgrade. See the Blacklist Attributes topic for more information.
Update Project Dependencies for Your Custom Components
Out-of-the-box projects used for components in ThingWorx Navigate 9.0.0 are deprecated and replaced with new projects. If you created custom components in ThingWorx Navigate 9.0.0, update their project dependencies. See the topic Update Custom Components for more information.
Update ThingWorx Services to Use Java 11
If you are planning to upgrade to Java 11 after upgrading to ThingWorx Navigate 9.1.x, you need to update your ThingWorx services.
Refer to the topic Update ThingWorx Services to Use Java 11 for instructions.
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