Customize ThingWorx Navigate > Upgrade Custom Tasks > Upgrade a Custom Task that has Info*Engine Tasks Using Windchill Connector
Upgrade a Custom Task that has Info*Engine Tasks Using Windchill Connector
This topic provides information on how to set up WindchillConnector (ptc-windchill-demo-thing) for custom tasks that use Info*Engine services.
WindchillConnector (ptc-windchill-demo-thing) is deprecated, and will be removed in the release following ThingWorx Navigate 9.1. For a smooth transition to the next release, update your custom tasks to use the OData connector. See the topic Upgrade a Custom Task that has Info*Engine Tasks Using OData Connector.
Windchill Connector does not support Content proxy functionality.
Recreate the Info*Engine Tasks
Windchill must be configured for SSL. To configure with WindchillConnector (ptc-windchill-demo-thing), see Using SSL for a Secure Connection.
PTC includes the general-purpose ExecuteTask service in the WindchillConnector (ptc-windchill-demo-thing) Thing Template. The ExecuteTask service allows you to invoke any task in the Windchill task codebase:
Specify the task to invoke by URI.
Define the input parameters.
Optional: Define an Infotable where row data is converted into Info*Engine group elements and is used as the task’s input group.
To use the ExecuteTask service, create a Thing using the WindchillConnector (ptc-windchill-demo-thing) Thing Template. For example, you can add a new service in ptc-windchill-demo-thing as shown in the following screen.
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