Equipment Tab for Operations
The Equipment tab displays the equipment which is linked to the operation that is selected in the Operations list.
Equipment tab for an operation (child work definition).
Click Link to add linked equipment to the operation. Select a row and click Unlink to remove linked equipment from the operation. By default, assets are the only equipment type which can be linked to an operation. The equipment types which are allowed to be linked to operations can be customized by overriding the GetAllowedEquipmentTypeForOperation service.
The equipment information is only checked when the link is created. If equipment is updated after it has been linked to the operation, that update is not synchronized to the information on the operation.
Mashups and Widgets
The PTC.Factory.Demo.WorkDefinitionOperations.EquipmentMashup mashup defines the display of the Equipment tab. This mashup uses the following widgets:
Multiple Button widgets:
For the Link button, which launches the LINK EQUIPMENT window.
For the Unlink button. This button is enabled when a row in the table is selected, and disabled when no row is selected.
A Data Filter widget which filters the list based on the selected values.
An Infotable Selector widget. When no row is selected in the table, or there is no linked equipment, this widget disables the Unlink button.
A Grid Advanced widget, listing all equipment that is linked to the operation.
The input for the PTC.Factory.Demo.WorkDefinitionOperations.EquipmentMashup mashup is the UID of the work definition associated with the operation (child work definition) that is selected in the Operations list.
The mashup uses the following service from the PTC.Resource.Factory.MessageFormatUtiltites resource:
GetLocalizedMessageOneParam—Returns the localization tokens for the UNLINK EQUIPMENT window. There is an instance of the service for the message for the window title and an instance for the message text.
The PTC.Factory.Demo.WorkDefinitionOperations.EquipmentMashup mashup uses the following services from the PTC.Factory.Demo.WorkDefinitionUtils Thing:
DeleteWorkDefinitionProcessingResourceSpecifications—Removes the selected equipment from the list, when a user clicks OK on the UNLINK EQUIPMENT pop-up window.
GetAllowedEquipmentTypeForOperation—Retrieves equipment of the equipment types that are allowed to be added to operations. By default, only assets are allowed for operations (child work definitions). This can be customized by overriding the service and editing the equipment types specified in the service. Multiple equipment types can be specified as a comma-delimited list. The name of any equipment type listed must match the value in the EquipmentType field for the equipment type that is defined in the EquipmentTypeSettings configuration table on the launch point configuration Thing. For more information, see Defining Equipment Types.
GetEquipmentLinkedToWorkDefinition—Retrieves the equipment that is linked to the UID of the operation (child work definition), to be displayed on the Equipment tab. There is an instance of this service that is triggered when Link is clicked, and an instance that is triggered when the Equipment tab is accessed or the LINK EQUIPMENT window is closed.
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