Work Definitions Page
The Work Definitions page displays the top-level work definitions that are present in the Operator Advisor database. These are the work definitions which are the root or top-level work definition for a set of work instructions.
To view the details for a work definition, select the work definition in the list, and click View.
Mashups and Widgets
The PTC.Factory.Demo.WorkDefinitionManagementMashup mashup defines the Work Definitions page. This mashup uses the following widgets:
• Multiple Button widgets:
◦ For the View action. This button is enabled when a row in the table is selected, and disabled when no row is selected.
◦ For the Refresh action, which refreshes the list of work definitions.
• A Data Filter widget, which filters the list based on the selected values.
• An Infotable Selector widget. When no row is selected in the table, this widget disables the button widget.
• A Grid Advanced widget, which lists all of the the top-level work definitions in the database.
The PTC.Factory.Demo.ManufacturingPlanningMaster mashup is specified as the Master property on the mashup. It supplies the banner at the top of the page and the navigation panes on the left.
When the
View button is clicked, the UID of the work definition for the selected row is passed as input to the mashup for the
work definition details page.
The mashup uses the following service from the PTC.Factory.Demo.WorkDefinitionUtils Thing:
• GetWorkDefinitions—Retrieves the top-level work definitions in the database. These are the work definitions which are the parent work definition for a set of work instructions.