Silent Mode Installation
This procedure documents installation for Analytics Server, release 9.3. If you need installation information for one of the following earlier releases, use the links below to open earlier PDF installation guides maintained on the PTC eSupport Portal:
Silent mode installation of ThingWorx Analytics components is supported for the Linux environment. In contrast to the graphical and text modes, where the installation proceeds through a series of interactive steps, the silent installation requires that all of the necessary input be included in the launch command. The installation then takes place with no further interaction required.
Before Installation
Make sure all of the prerequisites have been met.
Download the appropriate installer files for your operating system.
Extract the downloaded files to a location on your host system.
If you plan to use TLS support for connections to any Analytics Server components, review and complete the relevant tasks in the following sections before you begin the installation:
Installation Launch Command
To launch the silent installation in a Linux environment, open a terminal window and navigate to the directory where you saved the extracted launch files.
As root user, run a launch command, similar to the example below. Substitute specific information in the angled brackets. For information about each set of command parameters, expand the relevant links below to view the detailed tables.
If you enter true to enable TLS for ThingWorx or the Analytics Server APIs, several additional command parameters are required. For information about those parameters, see the relevant sections below.
./ThingWorxAnalytics-<n.n.n> \
--baseinstalldir "<base installation directory>" \
--unattendedmodeui minimalWithDialogs \
--mode unattended \
--accept_eula YES \
--enable-components AnalyticsExtension \
--ENABLE_ZOOKEEPER_TLS <true/false> \
--THINGWORX_FOUNDATION_IP_ADDR "<IP address or host name>" \
--THINGWORX_FOUNDATION_PORT <Port where ThingWorx is running> \
--THINGWORX_APPKEY <valid ThingWorx App Key> \
--ANALYTICS_SERVER_THINGNAME <name for the AnalyticsServer Thing> \
For Analytics Server 9.2 and earlier, the TLS parameters must use SSL instead of TLS.
Installation Directory 
Launch Command Parameter
The path to the directory where the Analytics Server will be installed.
If the installer detects a previous version of the ThingWorx Analytics Server, and you want to upgrade, the old installation directory is preselected for the baseinstalldir and you will not be able to change it. For more information, see Upgrade from an Earlier Version.
Analytics Extension Inclusion 
Launch Command Parameter
--enable-components AnalyticsExtension
This parameter enables inclusion of Analytics Extension during the Analytics Server installation. If you do not want to install Analytics Extension when the installer runs, do not include this parameter in the launch command.
Must be included if you plan to use Analytics Builder or Analytics Manager. Analytics Extension can only be used if both the Async and the Sync Microservices are installed.
ThingWorx Analytics TLS Information 
Launch Command Parameter
For Analytics Server 9.2 and earlier, use --SSL_FOR_ANALYTICS_APIS
The default response is true. When TLS authentication support is enabled for the microservices, communication is protected between the ThingWorx Adapter and the Analytics APIs. Communication between the APIs is also secured.
In order to enable TLS support for the microservices, a signed TLS certificate must already be in place before installation can begin. See TLS Support for Analytics Server APIs.
The location where the TLS Keystore file is stored. This file contains the signed TLS certificate.
The password for the TLS Keystore.
The alias name that is assigned to the signed TLS certificate. Alias names are converted automatically to all lower case.
IP address or fully qualified domain name of the primary network adapter on your ThingWorx Analytics Server. The value must match the SAN value provided on the TLS certificate.
Applicable for Analytics Server 9.2 and later.
A password that will be assigned to the Analytics Server truststore, a file where trusted TLS certificates are stored. This truststore is created automatically during Analytics Server installation
Applicable to Analytics Server 9.0 and 9.1.
The password for the Java truststore, a file where trusted TLS certificates are stored. The truststore is created automatically, with a default password, when Java is installed. For more information about Java Truststore passwords, see Working with Certificates and SSL on the Oracle website.
ZooKeeper TLS Information 
Launch Command Parameter
For Analytics Server 9.2 and earlier, use --ENABLE_ZOOKEEPER_SSL
The default response is true. When TLS authentication support is enabled, the ZooKeeper connections with the Async Microservice and the Analytics Common Workers are protected.
In order to enable TLS support for the microservices, a signed TLS certificate must already be in place before installation can begin. See TLS Support for ZooKeeper.
Path to the TLS Keystore file where the signed ZooKeeper TLS certificate is stored.
If an incorrect Keystore file path is entered, the installation will complete but Analytics Server will not operate successfully. For troubleshooting information, see To Resolve a ZooKeeper TLS Connection.
Password for the TLS Keystore.
Path to a JKS Truststore file that contains the authority that signed the ZooKeeper certificate.
If an incorrect Truststore file path is entered, the installation will complete but Analytics Server will not operate successfully. For troubleshooting information, see To Resolve a ZooKeeper TLS Connection.
Password for the TLS Truststore.. For more information about Java Truststore passwords, see Working with Certificates and SSL on the Oracle website.
ThingWorx Connection Information 
If you are not integrating with ThingWorx, add the following disable parameter to the command and omit the other THINGWORX_FOUNDATION connection parameters in this chart:
--disable-components twas_twx_adapter
Launch Command Parameter
IP address or host name of your ThingWorx server, which must already be installed and running.
If you are using TLS for your connection to ThingWorx, this IP Address or Host Name must match the SAN address or host used to create the ThingWorx TLS certificate.
Use of the server’s primary, outward-facing IP address or host name is preferable for configuring the ThingWorx server connection. Even if ThingWorx and Analytics Server are hosted on the same server, using local host can cause problems when the SaveJobResult service is run to access saved results from outside of the server.
The port for communicating with your ThingWorx server.
If you are using TLS for your connection to ThingWorx, enter that port number.
The value from the Key ID field of the application key you created in ThingWorx.
A name for the AnalyticsServer Thing that is created in ThingWorx during the Analytics Server installation. This full name is attached as a prefix to each microservice name. This Thing name must be unique within the server deployment.
The AnalyticsServer Thing name must be unique within the server deployment.
Set to true if you plan to use Anomaly Detection functionality with this installation of Analytics Server. When this option is enabled, the installer automatically configures the Alert Processing Subsystem in ThingWorx.
For Analytics Server 9.2 and earlier, use --SSL_FOR_THINGWORX_CONNECTION
Set to true in order to require the use of TLS when connecting to ThingWorx. The default value is false.
In order to enable TLS support for the connection with ThingWorx, a signed TLS certificate must already be in place before installation can begin. See TLS Support for ThingWorx.
TLS parameters for 9.2 and later
--UPLOAD_TWX_CERTIFICATE – Set to true if you want the installer to upload your ThingWorx TLS certificate automatically. The default value is false
For a new installation using TLS, this option must be enabled. For an upgrade, modify, or repair installation, this option is necessary only if you want to upload a new certificate. To continue using an existing certificate, use the default value (false).
For more information, see TLS Support for ThingWorx.
--THINGWORX_CERTIFICATE_FILE_PATH – The location where the ThingWorx TLS certificate file is stored. This file is either a PEM or CER file. This parameter is required when --UPLOAD_TWX_CERTIFICATE is set to true.
--THINGWORX_TRUST_STORE_PASSWORD – Password that will be assigned to the ThingWorx truststore, a file where trusted TLS certificates are stored. This truststore is created automatically during Analytics Server installation.
TLS parameters for 9.0 and 9.1
--UPLOAD_TWX_CERTIFICATE – Set to true if you are using a self-signed ThingWorx TLS certificate and you want to allow the installer to upload it automatically. The default value is false, but you will need to import the certificate manually if it is not uploaded by the installer. For more information, see Import a Self-signed TLS Certificate Manually.
--THINGWORX_CERTIFICATE_FILE_PATH – The location where the ThingWorx TLS certificate file is stored. This file is either a PEM or CER file.
This parameter can be omitted if you are not using a self-signed TLS certificate that you want the installer to upload.
--THINGWORX_CERTIFICATE_ALIAS_NAME – An alias name that is assigned to the TLS certificate. Alias names are converted automatically to all lower case.
--JAVA_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD_T – The password for the Java truststore, a file where trusted TLS certificates are stored. The truststore is created automatically, with a default password, when Java is installed. For more information about Java truststore passwords, see Working with Certificates and SSL on the Oracle website.
Running the Installation 
By default, when the installer runs, all Analytics Server components, except Analytics Extension, are included in the silent mode installation. However, you can choose to disable installation for certain components. For more information, see Disabling Components.
To install Analytics Extension, an enable code snippet must be included in the launch command. For more information, see Analytics Extension Inclusion.
An advanced option is available if you want to override the default user account during the installation. For more information about launching the installer with this option, see Change the User Account.
Analytics API Key 
When the installation process is complete, an API Key is displayed and the command line prompt is returned. You will need this key for any scenario that requires access to the internal ThingWorx Analytics API layer. The API key is automatically encrypted and, for security, is not stored in plain text anywhere. Make a note of the key for later reference. If you forget or need to upgrade the key, you must generate a new key. For more information, see Update a ThingWorx Analytics API Key.
Disabling Components 
To disable one or more components during installation, add the following snippet to the installation launch command:
--disable-components <component_name>,<component_name>
The following chart describes the components that are available to disable:
Component Name
Async Microservice
Disables the Async Microservice along with other necessary components, including ZooKeeper and Analytics Common Workers.
During the installation, three Workers are installed but the number of Workers can be scaled up when the installation is complete. For information, see Scale the Number of Workers
Sync Microservice
Disables only the Sync Microservice.
Integration with ThingWorx
This parameter must not be disabled if you plan to interact with ThingWorx Analytics via ThingWorx.
To install only the Sync Microservice and disable everything else, add the following to the installation command:
--disable-components async,AnalyticsExtension
You still need the twas-twx-adapter to be installed if you plan to integrate with ThingWorx.
After Installation 
To test the product installations, see:
The Analytics Extension installation is not complete until you perform the necessary post-installation configuration steps. For information about these steps, see Perform Post Installation Configuration for Analytics Builder or for Analytics Manager.
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