Updating an Analytics API Key > Update a ThingWorx Analytics API Key – Linux
Update a ThingWorx Analytics API Key – Linux
1. From the bin folder in the directory where your ThingWorx Analytics is installed, execute the following command to run a script that will generate and encrypt a new Analytics API key:
When the process is complete, the new API Key is displayed on screen. You will need this key for any scenario that requires access to the internalThingWorx AnalyticsAPI layer. For security, the encrypted key is not stored in plain text anywhere. Make a note of the key for later reference. If you forget or need to update the key, you must repeat this procedure to generate a new key.
2. From the bin folder of the installation directory, use the following command to restart the services:
./twas.sh restart
It might take several seconds for the Things in ThingWorx to refresh and reconnect.
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