Schedule Optimization > Resources > Work Order Fields Related to Schedule Optimization > Work Order Fields Updated by Schedule Optimization
Work Order Fields Updated by Schedule Optimization
The following work order fields are updated by Schedule Optimization during scheduling. The fields contain the scheduling information for the work order.
This field contains the name of the technician for whom the work order has been scheduled.
Service Team
This field contains the name of the service team for which the work order has been scheduled.
Dispatch Status
This field shows the dispatch status of the work order. The value indicates the current status of the work order.
Possible values are New, Assigned, and Queued.
Scheduled Date Time
This field contains the date and time at which the work order has been scheduled.
Driving Time
This field contains the driving time for the technician based on their current location and the work order location.
For example, if the work order is the first work order in the technician route, the drive time is the time required to drive from the technician's home location to the work order location. But if the work order is the second work order in the technician route, the drive time is the drive time between the first work order location to the current work order location.
Scheduling Status
Violation Status
The violation status is updated when Schedule Optimization is not able to schedule the work order or when the work order is scheduled with some violations.
Violation Message
Scheduling Retry Count
The retry count is updated in this field whenever work orders with OPT_UNASSIGNED and OPT_ERROR statuses are reinjected in the optimization.
Previous Scheduled Date Time
This field contains the date and time information of the previous schedule for the work order if multiple scheduling attempts are done.
First Scheduled Date Time
This field contains the date and time information of the work order scheduled for the first time by Schedule Optimization.
OptiMax Status
OptiMax Error Text
Promised Arrival Window (GMT)
This field contains the arrival window details. This is applicable only if an appointment booking has been performed for the work order.
This checkbox is to indicate whether the work order is ready to be delivered to the mobile application.
In Jeopardy
This field indicates whether the work order has the In Jeopardy status. It means that the work order is in jeopardy of missing a fulfillment deadline or promise or not progressing per the plan or schedule. If this flag is set to True, the work order fulfillment status is At Risk.
Locked By DC
This checkbox indicates that the work order is manually handled and not scheduled by Schedule Optimization.
Latitude and Longitude
These fields contain the geolocation information.
Lock Appointment Schedule
This field is updated when the dispatcher locks the work order to a technician or to an arrival window.
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