Schedule Optimization > Types of Optimizations > Real-Time Optimization
Real-Time Optimization
Real-time optimization is event-driven continuous optimization. It is designed to react quickly to new and changing jobs. You can set a threshold within which existing schedules are left unchanged by the optimizer, and the periodicity of real-time synchronization of schedule updates between the optimizer and the ServiceMax web application.
While creating dispatch processes, you must specify Real-Time Optimization in the Dispatch Method field for real-time optimization. For more information, see Defining General Information.
With real-time optimization, the optimizer is invoked automatically whenever a qualifying work order is created or updated. The following automatic actions take place in response to work orders, technicians, and other related optimizer configuration data:
When dispatchers or technicians update a work order that qualifies for real-time optimization, such an update is sent to the optimizer in real-time.
When the scheduling-related fields are updated in a work order, technician, or event, the changes are synced to the optimizer.
When your dispatcher or technician creates or updates any non-work order events, they are sent to the optimizer in real time to correctly consider the technician’s blocked time.
When external (not qualifying for real-time optimization) work order events are created or updated on the technician’s calendar, they are sent to the optimizer in real-time.
When your dispatcher or technician updates the technician’s business hours, the updates are sent to the optimizer in real-time, for potential rescheduling of current jobs.
When any optimizer properties or constraints are updated, the updates are sent to the optimizer when the job is resumed after suspension.
The automatic actions ensure real-time optimization results in a tentative schedule for a qualifying work order within minutes. The actions also cause the schedule to optimize continuously in response to changing circumstances till the dispatch threshold is reached. At that time, the work order schedule is marked as final, and work orders are marked as dispatched.
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