Data Checkpoints
Ensure that the following are set correctly in dispatch processes and Work Orders. Incorrect data in these might cause issues while running Schedule Optimization jobs.
Business Hours must be assigned in the Territory that is associated with the dispatch process.
Time zones should be consistent among Territory Business Hours, Technician Business Hours, Work Order Preferred Business Hours, and Technician Break Hours.
All the required number of Work Orders are qualified for the dispatch process. Create a list view in the Work Order object that matches the expected dispatch process ID.
Dispatch process horizons are set as per the expectations.
Correct Business Hours are specified for Work Orders and Technicians.
SLAs provided in the work order are reviewed for correctness. Check whether the SLA is realistic in relation to the dispatch process horizon.
Provided preferred technicians are planned for the load and are not overloaded in terms of capacity.
Ensure that the Service Duration and Dispatch Priority fields are populated with correct data in the Work Orders.
Ensure that the QTL Status field in Work Orders is not set to Disallow.
Ensure that the OptiMax Error Text field in Work Orders is clear.
Ensure that business hours linked to territory and technicians are active.
Ensure that dispatch processes currently in use are in Complete state.
Ensure that remote site settings and GBL010 settings values are configured correctly, and the org is authenticated. For more information, see Provisioning and Configuring Schedule Optimization.
Ensure that at least one technician is active and scheduling is enabled for that technician.
For LTP job runs, ensure that PST and PET are defined in the work order and are within the defined horizon.
For Batch Optimization job runs, ensure that at least one new work order with New status is present if all the work orders are scheduled already in past or future.
Ensure that a correct Dispatch process is stamped on the work order.
Ensure that the territory is in Active state.
For RTO dispatch process, ensure that the job is in IDLE or RUNNING state and not in Suspended state.
If you have created the dispatch process in ServiceMax version 22.2 or later, ensure that the dispatch process is in Active state.
If Salesforce user is linked to the technician, ensure that the corresponding Salesforce user is active in the org.
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