Batch Optimization
In batch optimization, Schedule Optimization performs optimized scheduling of work orders in time-specific and periodical batches. According to the scheduling criteria you specified in the dispatch process, optimized scheduling of available and qualifying work orders takes place at fixed times.
For example, optimized scheduling of work orders happens at 23.30 hours every day in the set time zone. Qualifying work orders are scheduled at that time, and the technicians' calendars are updated with the schedule for the time horizon that has been set. Work orders are assigned to technicians based on their availability.
You can also run batch optimization jobs manually at any time.
The following events occur when a job is run (automated schedule or manual run):
If any new work orders qualify for the dispatch process, the work orders are scheduled.
If there are any changes in the supply of resources, the optimization engine updates the schedule utilizing the new resource you have added. For example, if you have added a new technician to the service team, the technician is considered for scheduling.
The existing work order schedules might change for better-optimized results for every batch job run when work orders or resources are added or updated.
If you add or update a work order, technician, or event when an optimization job run is in progress, the updated input data is considered only for the next job run. The current job run does not consider the updated data.
To choose batch optimization, you must specify Optimized Batch in the Dispatch Method field value while creating dispatch processes. For more information, see Defining General Information.
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