Reset App
Android and iOS
Reset Application is used to erase existing configuration and transaction data in your app and download it again. Perform this operation only if you face any unrecoverable error and have to recover all the data and configuration from the server. This is the same as initial sync and you will lose any yet-to-be synced data. You are prompted to confirm this operation before it starts. For more information, see Initial Sync.
- If the app is closed when the sync is in progress, the reset operation is cancelled, and the application launches with the previously existing data. - If data sync is in progress, the reset operation is performed after the completion of the ongoing data sync.
To Reset App, tap Erase Data and Reinitialize App at More > General. Tap Perform Reset App to confirm, else tap Cancel to cancel resetting the app.
Reset Application is used to erase existing configuration and transaction data in your app and download it again. Perform this operation only if you face any unrecoverable error and have to recover all the data and configuration from the server. This is the same as initial sync and you will lose any yet-to-be synced data. You are prompted to confirm this operation before it starts. For more information, see Initial Sync.
- If the app is closed when the sync is in progress, the reset operation is cancelled, and the application launches with the previously existing data. - If data sync is in progress, the reset operation is performed after the completion of the ongoing data sync.
To Reset App:
1. Go to Settings > General
2. Click Erase Data and Reinitialize App.
3. Click Erase and Reinitialize to confirm, else click Cancel to cancel resetting the app.
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