Recommendations for Local Notification
The recommendations for Local notification are as follows:
Work Order should be downloaded to the app for local notification to work.
The maximum no. of geocodes stored on the mobile device is 20. It is recommended to use an appropriate date field in the Sort records by field in SFA configuration to get appropriate geocodes.
Work orders and the geocodes are refreshed every time data sync or app is reset.
Avoid creating more than one geofence SFA process for the same Work order. If the same Work order qualifies for more than one geofence SFA process, the most recently edited SFA process is considered.
Ensure consistent geocoding results by pre-validating the address of the work location. One way to do this is by using the Validate Address SFM process. This can save some battery and fasten the sync process.
The accuracy of GPS degrades when using mobile networks and users are moving really quickly like driving. It is recommended to set a higher radius to the geofence (250m / 500m) for the best results.
Ensure the SFM chosen in the SFA configuration is available on the mobile app. If the SFM chosen in SFA configuration is not available on the mobile app, then:
For Work Orders, the default view SFM is displayed.
For Events, the Appointment screen is displayed.
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