Skip Printing Unanswered Questions
This section details how to configure the Exclude unanswered questions checkbox from the Checklist tab of the respective Output Document.
The Output Document does not include any unanswered questions from any section.
The following table explains the scenarios and their results for Include skipped sections and Exclude unanswered questions:
Include skipped sections
Exclude unanswered questions
The Output Document does not contain unanswered questions, even in the skipped sections.
The Output Document contains unanswered questions in the skipped sections.
The Output Document does not contain unanswered questions in all sections.
The Output Document contains unanswered questions in all sections.
When the Include skipped sections checkbox is selected from the Checklists tab of the respective SFM Transaction, the Output Document is generated with the skipped sections and their corresponding answers as blank.
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