Prerequisites for Price Calculation
Ensure the following prerequisites are met before initiating Price Calculation.
For Price Calculation to work when the technician's device is offline, the group setting SET009 - Enable Get Price (Module: ServiceMax iPad Client; Submodule: Synchronization) must be enabled. Define the setting SET009 to True for the relevant profile(s) so that initial sync downloads the necessary data. Enabling SET009 also enables the Pricing & Billing wizard, which appears on the Work Order.
For Initial Sync to go through successfully, you must assign, at a minimum, the read permissions to the Custom Coverage object. This is irrespective of whether the SET009 setting is enabled or disabled.
If the Use Price From Pricebook checkbox is available and editable in your Work Order debrief screen, you can clear the checkbox to consider the price you manually entered for any Work Detail line.
For the Price Calculation to work, the Work Order must have been synced at least once to the server.
For line-level warranty-based Price Calculation to work, the field Is Entitlement Check Performed should be set to True for Work Orders that do not have any service contract or warranty coverage but have Product Serviced lines with installed products having valid warranty coverage.
If pricing information is available, but entitlement has not been performed, then price calculations are not performed and the message Entitlement check has not been performed is displayed.
Price Calculation works for the installed products that are available locally on the device.
When SET009 is True, for each Product downloaded to the client, the initial sync will download Price Book entries for those products, regardless of Download Criteria settings. This will increase initial sync time.
If technicians require access to the Make pricing data available offline feature (see Retrieving Pricing Data), but do not want to automatically download all pricing data during initial sync, configure the following:
SET009 must be set to True.
Price Book data download must be disabled using the DISABLE_INITIAL_PB_DOWNLOAD custom setting.
Creating Custom Setting
1. Go to ServiceMax Setup > App Administration > Settings.
2. Select Module: ServiceMax Go; Submodule: Synchronization.
3. Under Custom Settings, click New Setting to create the following setting.
Setting Name: Enter a name for the setting.
Data Type: Boolean
Setting Type: Group
Search Order: Group, Global
4. Click Save.
Activating Custom Setting
1. Go to ServiceMax Setup > App Administration > Configuration Profiles.
2. Under Group-wide Configuration Settings, select the relevant profile and click Edit.
3. Select Module: ServiceMax Go; Submodule: Synchronization.
4. Click Edit for the DISABLE_INITIAL_PB_DOWNLOAD custom setting.
If this setting is set to True, the Go app does not download Price Book data during the initial sync.
If this setting is set to False, the Go app downloads the Price Book data during the initial sync (if SET009 is set to True).
5. Click Save. Click Close.
6. Click Save on the Edit Configuration Profile page.
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