Search Results
Following are the key details about the search results page applicable for both local and online search:
If there are fewer than 100 records, they are shown in one page, which is scrollable. No pagination is applied.
For more than 100 records, pagination is applied. You can use the Previous and Next arrows to navigate between pages. You can also use the drop-up menu to select a page number you want to navigate to.
If you have Internet connectivity, you can enable the Include Online Items toggle button to search for records online.
If you have Internet connectivity, you can enable the Refresh Online Items toggle button. The search is re-executed to bring in any records which were added/edited when the previous search was in progress.
You can also enter a keyword in the Search text box to search for specific records.
As you type the keyword, the results get displayed simultaneously according to the keyword entered in the Search text box.
Maximum of 2000 offline records (Download Criteria and Advanced Download Criteria) are displayed per object in the Explore page.
When the Include Online Items toggle button is enabled maximum of 400 online records are displayed across objects on the Explore page. The maximum number of total records that can be displayed is 200 records (both online and offline records).
For a keyword search, a record is considered a match if the value of any of its configured search fields contains the keyword.
The search results are sorted on the search field, order, and sequence as configured for the search object.
It is also supported when is used in a different language (those supported by ServiceMax) and/or with different region settings (locales).
When sorted in ascending order, records with null values in the field used for sorting will appear at the top.
When sorted in descending order, they would appear below the records with non-values in that field.
Sorting is not respected if you choose more than one field to be sorted at the same time.
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