Creating a Depot Workstation
The workstation is an area where specific tasks or service activities are carried out within the Depot. The Workstation may represent a room, desk, platform, or bay.
You can create multiple workstations at a Depot location to perform different tasks or activities within the Depot. The technicians can work in multiple workstations based on their skills and expertise.
Let’s take an example where an Automotive Service Depot includes various workstations to perform different activities, such as an Inspection workstation, a Repair workstation, and a Quality Control workstation.
To create a Workstation:
The Workstations page is displayed with the list of Workstations.
2. Click New.
The New Workstation pop-up is displayed.
3. Enter the following fields:
Field | Description |
Workstation Name | Enter the name of the Workstation. |
Type | Select the type of Workstation. For example, Logistics workstation. |
IsActive | Select this checkbox to make the workstation status as Active. |
Depot | |
Currency | Select the currency. |
4. Click Save.
The Workstation record is created within the Workstations object.