Resources > Objects > Work Order > Work Order Usage/Consumption Fields
Work Order Usage/Consumption Fields
The following table lists the Work Order Usage/Consumption fields.
Record Type
Always set to Usage/Consumption.
Work Order
Work Order number. This is a lookup to an existing Work Order in ServiceMax.
Line Type
Indicates the type of usage: Parts, Labor, or Expenses.
Activity Type
Indicates the type of activity performed. Usually applicable for labor line types. Your admin is responsible for configuring this list for your organization's requirements.
Log Against
For internal accounting purposes, indicates if this expense/activity is tracked at the Service Team level or at the Technician/equipment level.
Service Team
Name of the Service Team if the Log Against is set to Service Team. This is a lookup to an existing Service Team record in ServiceMax.
Name of the Technician or equipment if the Log Against is set to Technician/Equipment. This is a lookup to an existing Technician/Equipment record in ServiceMax.
Start Date and Time
Start date and time if the Line Type is Labor.
End Date and Time
End date and time if the Line Type is Labor.
Expense Type
Type of expense incurred if the Line Type is Expenses.
Name of the product used/consumed if the Line Type is Parts. This is a lookup to an existing Salesforce Product record.
Serial Number
ID of the installed product used/consumed if the Line Type is Parts. This is a lookup to an Installed Product record in ServiceMax.
Reference Information
Additional information about the work performed, or expense incurred (mileage for example).
Line Qty
Number of units consumed. This is context-sensitive based on Line Type.
Line Price
The unit price for this line item. Total price is calculated by multiplying line price and line quantity.
Cost Category
Type of costing applied to calculate the actual price.
Is Billable
Indicates if this usage/consumption is billable to the customer.
Closed By
The Salesforce user who closed this Work Order line. This is set automatically when the parts are received.
Closed On
Date/time when this Work Order line was closed. This is set automatically when the parts are received.
Consumed From Location
Location from where the inventory was consumed. Link to an existing Location record in ServiceMax. This must be a stockable location.
Line Status
Work Order line status.
Posted To Inventory
Indicates if quantity from this Work Order line has been posted to inventory or not. This is applicable for Parts Requests and Usage/Consumption records in ServiceMax.
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