Viewing Attributes History
IB Technical Attributes History view allows users to assess the quality and performance of the IB by analyzing how the attribute values have changed over some time and the impact of one attribute over the other. You can view additional information at a glance, such as who and when the updates were made. To view IB's attribute history, you must add the Technical Attribute LWC component piqTechAttributeHistory to the lightning record page.
In this view, you can:
• Filter the records for a specific date range. If multiple technical attribute records are saved for the same day, they will be displayed in the Captured On column with the date and the time it was held.
• The Captured By field gives you information on the user who made the update.
• Export the records as a .csv file by clicking Export List. Note that only the displayed records are exported when you click Export List. If you have applied a filter and then exported, only the filtered records are exported.
• The history of attributes is sorted and grouped by captured date in descending order.
• Multiple entries for the same attribute maintained in the Last Occurrence field are also sorted and displayed.
Technical Attributes History UI as Lightning Web Component
The Technical Attributes History UI is packaged as a Lightning Web component, piqTechAttributeHistory. To access this component, perform the following steps:
1. In Lightning App Builder, open the Installed Product Record Page for editing. piqTechAttributeHistory is listed as a component in the Components > Custom-Managed section.
2. Place it in the required section in the Lightning App Builder, and click Save.
You can also access the Technical Attributes History UI from Custom Buttons. To do so, perform the following steps:
1. In Installed Product Object, create a new button of type Detail Page.
2. Set the Content Source as 'URL'.
3. In the Select Field section, add the following and save. <domain/instance url>/apex/SVMXC__PIQ_TechAttributeHistory?id={!SVMXC__Installed_Product__c.Id}
4. Add the custom button to the Installed Product page layout.
Creating the Technical Attribute History View SFM Custom Action
This section describes creating the SFM Custom Action for launching the Technical Attribute History view from an Installed Product. For general information about creating SFM custom actions and adding them to SFM wizards, see
Create SFM Custom Actions.
Perform the following steps to create the Technical Attribute History SFM custom action:
1. Define an SFM Custom Action for an Installed Product with the following attributes:
a. Specify the Action Title and Action ID of your choice. For example, Action Title: Attribute History, Action ID: Attribute_History.
b. Open URL in Existing Window, URL To Launch: /apex/SVMXC__PIQ_TechAttributeHistory
c. Parameters: id – Field Name – Record ID
2. Include the above custom action in the required SFM Wizard for the Installed Product.
Creating Technical Attribute View Custom Action from any Object that has an association with IB
This admin can create an SFM Custom Action for launching the Technical Attribute from any object associated with IB. The admin can configure the VF page on anything and pass the object's Installed Product field as an input parameter. For example, they configure a Custom Action from the Work Order object and pass the Work Order's component as the input parameter.
For information about how to create SFM custom action of type URL, see
Create SFM Custom Actions.
Perform the following steps to create the Technical Attribute SFM custom action for the required object:
1. Create an SFM Custom Action of type URL for an object and specify the following attributes:
a. Specify the Action Title and Action ID of your choice. For example, Action Title: Technical Attribute, Action ID: Technical_Attribute.
b. Specify the Open URL in the Existing Window, URL To Launch: /apex/SVMXC__TechnicalAttribute
c. Specify the parameters. For example: Parameter Name: Id; Parameter Value Type: Field Source; Parameter Source: Work Order – Component; Parameter Value: Record ID OR Parameter Name: Id; Parameter Value Type: Field Name; Parameter Source: Work Order; Parameter Value: Component
2. Click Save.
3. Include the above custom action in the required SFM Wizard.
4. Open the object record and execute the SFM Custom Action. The Technical Attribute Delivery UI displays the attribute for the configured Installed Product field.
Reference Topics