Package Flows
Business administrators can activate or deactivate the packaged flows based on their business requirements. When you upgrade the package, the modified packaged flows are reset and the latest version of the flows are in theActivestatus by default. The ServiceMax Setup enables the business administrators to enable or disable the packaged flows that overrides the status available in the SFDC Flow Setup.
Managing Packaged Standard Flows
To manage the packaged standard flows:
1. From the Home page, go to ServiceMax Setup.
2. Go to App Administration > Package Flows.
The Package Flows page is displayed with the list of standards flows. By default, all the flows are enabled.
3. Click the Enabled checkbox next to the flows you want to disable for your organization.
4. Click Update.
The disabled package flow setting is not updated by the subsequent package upgrades. You can follow the same steps to enable or disable the packaged flows.
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