Resources > Settings Library > Settings: SFM Transaction > Service Flow Wizard - Service Flow Wizard Delivery
Service Flow Wizard - Service Flow Wizard Delivery
Setting ID
Setting Type
Default Value
Setting Name & Details
Name: Service Flow Wizard button label color for enabled button
Details: The setting indicates the font color of Service Flow Wizard button label when the button is enabled.
Name: Service Flow Wizard button label color for disabled button
Details: This setting indicates the font color of Service Flow Wizard button label when the button is disabled.
Name: Hide SFM Wizard Display
Details: Use this setting to hide the SFM Wizard display on the record page. To hide SFM wizard on Salesforce mobile app set value as Salesforce1. To hide classic SFM Wizard on lightning set value as Lightning. To hide on both set value as Lightning,Salesforce1.
This setting is used in Hiding Classic SFM Wizard Buttons.
Name: Display ServiceMax profile specific SFM Wizards on record page
Details: When the setting is true, the user will not see SFM Wizards if the user's salesforce profile is not associated with any ServiceMax group profile. Note: SFM Wizards that are not assigned to any ServiceMax profile are always available to all users. The default value is false and the user has access to all the SFM Wizards.
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