Loading of Events
This section describes the behavior of loading of events in Dispatch Console:
When you launch Dispatch Console, events are loaded only for the service teams and territories that are expanded, along with the associated technicians. The Scheduler remembers the teams / territories that are expanded / collapsed between sessions. It does not load events for collapsed teams / territories. This helps in overall improvement in on-launch performance. Especially, if the default view loads a high volume of work orders and there are large number of technicians and events in the default calendar date range.
If a service team / territory is expanded during a Dispatch Console session, on close and relaunch of Dispatch Console, it will remain expanded. Similarly, if a service team / territory is collapsed during a Dispatch Console session, on close and relaunch of Dispatch Console, it will remain collapsed.
If a service team / territory was collapsed during launch of Dispatch Console, and when you expand the service team / territory, the events are fetched dynamically.
When you refresh events manually / automatically, events are fetched only for technicians in the expanded service teams / territories and no events are fetched for technicians in collapsed service teams / territories.
When you perform a Technician search or Advanced Search, the matching technicians and their events are loaded dynamically, if they were part of collapsed teams.
Note that you can customize the behavior of service team / territory tree on launch of the Dispatch Console either to expand all the teams on launch, or collapse all the teams on launch by creating the following group configuration setting SET00235 (Default Service Team/Territory tree state on Dispatch console launch under module Dispatch Management and submodule Dispatch Console Flex).
If the setting value is Expand All, all the teams are expanded during Dispatch Console launch and the events are loaded for all the expanded teams.
If the setting value is Collapse All, all the teams are collapsed during Dispatch Console launch and no events are loaded.
If the setting value is Last Saved, teams are expanded / collapsed based on the last saved tree state. If there are no last saved tree state, all the trees will be expanded. Note that this is the default behavior of service team / territory tree on Dispatch Console launch. You need not have to create above custom configuration setting, if this has to be the default option.
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