High-level Work Flow
This section provides a high-level overview of the First Time Fix metric calculation process. It helps you to understand the available configuration options and how they help to qualify the records for the calculation of the metric.
1. The first and foremost step is deciding at which level you want to calculate the metric. You need to select the top-level issue object (Service Request, Case, Work Order) on the Business Process Config tab to decide whether you want to calculate the metric at the Service Request, Case, or Work Order level.
2. The system determines the records belonging to which time frame should be considered for metric calculation. The system picks up the records based on the following filters:
a. Records that were created/modified within ānā days prior to the SPM engine execution date for computing the metric, where 'n' is the value of global setting
SET001. The default value of
SET001 is 30 days. You can update/edit the value of
SET001 as required.
b. Last Modified Date (of primary work order, case, service request) is greater than the last execution time of the SPM Engine.
3. Define the inputs to be used in metrics calculation.
4. Select the source for FTF Computation. Select Work Order or Work Detail based on your requirement. Select the source for FTF Computation from the Select the source for FTF Computation list. You can select Work Order or Work Detail from the list. If you select Work Order as the source, you need to select the Yes or No for the Reference to Primary Work Order reference option. If the source is work order and the reference to Primary Work Order is Yes, then the work order which has a follow-up work order will not be considered a first-time fix. Once this check is done, the system validates the record with the second SFM expression criteria. If you select work detail, you need to select the (allowed) work detail creation time frame difference for FTF computation. If the variation of the two work details is more than the defined work detail creation time frame, then that work order is not considered FTF. Once this check is done, the system validates the record with the second SFM expression criteria for work detail.
5. Use the object mapping section to define the object mapping for this metric. You need to select the source for the Account, Technician, Product, and Closed On fields. The system checks whether Account, Technician, Product, and Closed On fields are blank or contain valid values. If the fields are blank, then those records are not considered for metric calculation.
6. Use the criteria tab to select the expression to qualify the Work Orders for metrics calculation. The first expression helps to qualify the Work Order for metrics calculation. Select the SFM expression as required.
7. If you have selected Work Detail as the source for FTF computation, select the Work Detail expression to identify the first-time fix records. The metric engine runs the SFM expression criteria to qualify the work orders and filters records based on the selected SFM expression. It checks whether the required fields have valid values or not. It also checks for primary work order reference criteria. Once, the records are qualified based on these criteria, the engine uses the SFM expression (based on Work Order/Work Detail) to calculate the metric. The FTF object lists all the records that qualify the consideration for calculating the metrics and each record will display whether it is a first-time fix or not. Once a target record is created, there are no overrides and no re-examination. This means that if an SPM - First Time Fix record exists for a work order already, it is not updated and that work order is not processed again.
You can use Reports and Dashboards to visualize the FTF metric based on various categories.