Bulk-loading of Questions and Answers
To bulk-load questions and corresponding answers:
1. Identify the set of response values for questions of type Checkbox, Radio Button, Picklist, and Multiselect Picklist. You need to create Response Set object records for these sets of response values. A response set can then be associated with any number of questions.
2. Prepare the qbresponseset.csv file with the following column headers, in that order: Response Set Name, Response Set Values
3. Enter the data as follows:
a. Response Set Name: This is the name by which you want to identify the response set. Use a unique name. This name is required to map the set of response values to the questions with which the response set is associated
b. Response Set Values: Actual answer values, comma-separated, in the sequence in which they must be presented in Checklist Delivery screen.
4. Import this
qbresponseset.csv file (Insert operation) into the ServiceMax object
QB Response Set(SVMXC__QB_Response_Set__c) in Salesforce using dataloader (
5. Export the response sets inserted above by using suitable filter criteria, with the column headers in the following order (only the first two fields are mandatory; the third is for information/cross-checking): Response Set Name, Record ID, Response Set Values
6. Prepare the questionbank.csv file with the following column headers, in that order: Response Set Name, QuestionID, Question, Help URL, Response Type, Response Set
7. Enter the data as follows:
a. Response Set Name: This is the same as used in the qbresponseset.csv file and is required to map the response set to questions of type Checkbox, Radio Button, Picklist, and Multi-select Picklist.
b. QuestionID: This must be unique and start after the last inserted Question Bank record in Salesforce. The QuestionID format is QB000nnn (for instance, QB000005, QB000006, QB000007, and so on). This format and numeric sequence is required to map the response options to the corresponding questions.
c. Question: Actual question, up to 255 characters.
d. Help URL: Valid help URL to be launched, up to 255 characters.
e. Response Type: It must be one of these values: Text, Checkbox, Radio Button, Picklist, Multiselect Picklist, Number, DateTime, Date.
f. Response Set: Map this from the csv file exported in step 5, using VLOOKUP function; do an exact match of Response Set Name column values in both the files, and populate the Record ID value from the exported file to questionbank.csv file. Applicable to questions of type Checkbox, Radio Button, Picklist,and Multi-select Picklist only.
8. Import this
questionbank.csv file (Insert operation) into the ServiceMax object
Question Bank (SVMXC__Question_Bank__c) in Salesforce using dataloader (
You can configure the number of questions queried per API call when a checklist is loaded in the Checklist Designer using the GBL044 global setting. When an exception is encountered, you must reduce this setting value to avoid the platform limit exception, while loading the checklist template.