About Constraints Violation
A work order is marked for Constraints Violation by the optimizer when one or more of the following violations occur when the optimizer scheduled the work order to a technician:
• SLA violation: If the schedule is outside the work order’s preferred start and end time. SLA violation can be of type - early arrival, late arrival, early resolution, and late resolution
• Preferred Business Hours (Access Hours) violation: If the schedule is outside the work order’s business hours
• Skill and Eligibility violation: If the required skill and eligibility are violated
• Product Expertise violation: If the expertise on the product referenced in the work order are violated
• Preferred, Mandatory, and Prohibited technician violation: If the assigned technician is not one of the Preferred, or Mandatory, or Prohibited technicians specified on the work order
In all the above violations, the constraints violation are captured in the work order Violation Message field in the following format and the Violation Status field is set to Constraints Violation to indicate this exception:
<Category:Type:Violation Name:Severity/Amount>
Example: <Time:SLA:Late Arrival:60>