Creating Connected Application
You can create connected application in your Salesforce org.
1. Log in to Salesforce with your valid credentials.
2. Navigate to Setup > Apps > App Manager, and then click New Connected App.
3. Provide the basic details, such as the app name, API name, and contact details.
4. In the API (Enable OAuth Settings) section, select Enable OAuth Settings. The fields related to the OAuth setting are displayed.
5. Provide the details for the fields as explained in the following table.
Callback URL
Enter the following URLs:
Selected OAuth Scopes
Select the following OAuth scopes from the Available OAuth Scopes list and add them to the Selected OAuth Scopes list by clicking the Add button:
Access Interaction API resources (interaction_api)
Access all Data cloud API resources (cdp_api)
Access the Salesforce API Platform (sfap_api)
Full access (full)
Manage user data via APIs (api)
Manage user data via Web browsers (web)
You can use the ctrl button to select multiple items.
Require Secret for Web Server Flow
Select the checkbox.
Require Secret for Refresh Token Flow
Select the checkbox.
6. In the Web App Settings, select Enable SAML.
7. Provide the details for the fields as explained in the following table.
Start URL
Enter the following URL:
Entity Id
Enter the following entity ID:
Enter the following URL:
IdP Certificate
Select the certificate downloaded in the previous step.
Encrypt SAML Response
Select the checkbox.
Block Encryption Algorithm
Select AES-128.
Signing Algorithm for SAML Messages
Select SHA256.
8. Click Save.
9. Navigate to Setup > Identity > OAuth Custom Scopes, and then click New Custom Scope to create the InSRestAPI custom scope.
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