Viewing Asset Timeline
Asset timeline enables you to view information related to asset records on the timeline UI.
Asset timeline helps you to obtain a 360-degree view of the asset activities as part of the asset life cycle management. Asset timeline enables you to recognize when a specific event occurred and the order of execution visually. This allows quick information gathering with fewer clicks and reduces navigation between records to gather information. The visual cues such as display icon, timespan color, and current time indication improve user experience. Asset timeline provides flexibility to define and filter asset-related records that must be displayed on the timeline. Based on the user's persona, only a specific set of asset-related information is presented on the timeline.
For example:
• For the contract manager, asset coverage and work execution-related information is displayed.
• For the field engineer, work orders differentiated by work types and asset downtimes are displayed.
You can view the asset timeline on the asset record page based on how you have added the Asset Timeline component to the page.
You can add the Asset Timeline component either in a new tab or in any of the existing tabs. You can also add it in the sidebar.
The timeline is displayed as shown in the following screenshot.
The following topics describe the asset timeline in detail:
Reference Sections
• For information about the administrator experience of creating asset timeline configurations, see
Asset Timeline.
• For information about setting up the Wizard, see
Configuring the Asset Timeline Wizard Step. You can set up a Wizard to view the asset timeline. Instead of adding the timeline component to the asset record, you can set up a Wizard to launch the timeline and view it by launching it on a separate page or a tab through the Wizard.