Asset 360 Suite > Asset 360 for Business Administrators > Entitlement > Troubleshooting and FAQ for Entitlements
Troubleshooting and FAQ for Entitlements
This section covers some of the issues while you work with Entitlements and provides troubleshooting steps to help you resolve the issue yourself.
Solution and Possible Reasons
I am getting the error "work order does not have a Pricebook assigned".
When the Work Order Debrief flow is invoked from a Work Order record, and the Work Order does not have any price book associated, then the error message is displayed. This message is displayed as part of flow execution.
Error if unable to create Entitlement rule.
If there are mandatory fields missed, then error messages are displayed on the entitlement creation rule page.
Service Contract is not showing up in Service Coverage.
The possible reasons are:
The Service Contract is inactive.
Asset or Account is not covered by any Service Contract.
Future or Expired Service contract is not displayed by default unless the flag is set to show the Future/ Expired Service contract.
The pricing is not calculated for my WO line.
Ensure the following fields have correct values:
Work Order has the right Entitled Service
Work Order has the right Contract Line
Work Order has the right Pricebook assigned
Work Order has the right Service Contract
Work Order has the right Warranty
A corresponding entry in the Contract Price Line Item is present.
Frequently Asked Questions
This section lists the frequently asked questions on Entitlements.
1. How to set up a price book for A360?
The standard price book is available by default on installing the package. We have to associate the price book with the product.
2. Can we exclude certain warranty types in the entitlement rule?
Warranty types can be excluded using ‘Select Warranty types to be excluded' from the Auto entitlement rule.
Interactive entitlement doesn’t exclude any warranties.
3. Can multiple warranty types be excluded?
Yes. For more information about excluding multiple warranty types, see Asset Based Entitlement Creation
4. Can I have multiple Serviced products in an Entitled Service Assignment Rule?
One entitled service rule can have only one product.
5. Will a new rule be applied on existing work orders and for any existing work order updates?
If the criteria are met and based on the order of the rule, the rule gets applied.
6. When are multiple entitlement service assignment rules matching, which one will be applied?
Each entitled service will have only one product for an object. You will not have the same product in different entitled service assignment rules for the same object.
7. Can I have multiple Price books assigned to a single rule?
A pricebook service rule can have only one pricebook.
8. How many Criteria can be configured for a Pricebook Assignment Rule?
Criteria for Pricebook Assignment Rules behave similarly to any other rule. It can have multiple criteria.
9. What is the level of complexity for QC?
For pricebook assignment, the level of complexity is medium. The following list explains the reasons. Pricebook works only for one object, that is, Work order. The number of criteria is limited to the number of fields with work orders. Also, inherit entitled service on the work order is inherited, which would reduce the number of counts to run the price book assignment rule. Moreover, when a service contract covers the Work order, warranty (majorly this will be the case) during which the price book assignment rule won’t trigger. We have just the criteria on the price book assignment rule and no additional expression is needed on the admin rule. Refer to Pricebook Assignment Rules for more details.
10. How will the setting 'AdjustService Threshold (visits) on Assignment' impact existing records if enabled in production after some days of Go-live?
This needs to be started from the beginning as the fields, units are totally new, and existing data does not have related data.
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