General Information Tab Fields
Provide the details in the fields as explained in the following table.
Fields marked with * are mandatory.
General Information
Enter a configuration name. The character limit for the field is 80.
Developer Name
The developer name is auto-populated from the Name field, similar to that of the Name value. Edit it as required to make it unique.
Enter a brief description about the configuration.
Set as default
Select the checkbox to mark the configuration as default for the SFS mobile app users. The default configuration is applied when user or profile-specific configuration is not available for the mobile user.
At any point in time, only one of the configurations can be marked as default.
Select either User or Profile from the list to assign the configuration to the selected option.
Based on the selection, the available list of users or profiles is displayed.
Available Profiles or Users
Select the required users or profiles from the available list and add them to the selected users or profiles section.
The presence of a * next to a user or profile indicates that the user or profile is already assigned to another configuration.
Quick Actions do not list options to access A360 components if none of the following conditions are configured:
the mobile user has no configurations assigned
no user-based or no profile-based configuration is configured
no default configuration is configured
If Quick Action is added from the record’s page layout and the user has no mobile configurations available, then an error is displayed on accessing the link.
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