Cloning Screen
This application allows you to clone a Screen Designer with the existing object fields and configurations. Perform the following steps to clone a Screen Designer:
1. Log in to Asset 360 Admin with your credentials.
2. From the left navigation pane, click Service Process Manager > Screens. It displays the list of Screens.
3. From the Screen Designer List page, click the drop-down arrow of the designer, and then click Clone. The edit page is displayed with the same field configurations.
4. Edit the required fields, and then click Save. A confirmation message is displayed after successful validation. Refer to the
Creating Screen section for guidelines on creating and editing object sections and fields.
• The Name and Description fields are auto-populated with existing data, but with a Copy of text at the beginning to make it unique.
• You must edit the Developer Name field. Else, an error message is displayed while saving the form.
• The selected parent object is not editable.
The following screen shows the fields for cloning a Screen: