Resource concurrent state (UPDM - MODAF aliases)
A Resource Concurrent State is a proprietary element that is required to model UPDM in Modeler.
To create a Resource Concurrent State:
To create a new compartment on a Resource Concurrent State:
• From a Resource Concurrent State: right-click the Resource Concurrent State, point to New, point to MODAF, and then click Resource Sequential State.
The following relationships are of importance to a Resource Concurrent State:
Function elements can be invoked by a Resource Concurrent State: right-click the Resource Concurrent State, point to Links, and then click Do Function.
The following sections provide information about how a Resource Concurrent State is used in the model.
Create a Resource Concurrent State from
Create from a Resource Concurrent State
Shown on these diagrams, tables and matrices
UPDM writeable properties
The following writeable properties are available on the Resource Concurrent State tab of a Resource Concurrent State element's Property Pages: