SysML, UAF, UML, and UPDM Profiles > UPDM profiles > Adding and updating a UPDM profile > Adding a UPDM profile to a model (UPDM)
Adding a UPDM profile to a model (UPDM)
Do not make changes to a UPDM profile. Any changes you make will be lost when the profile is updated.
Note that you can create Tag Definitions outside of a UPDM profile, and link those Tag Definitions to Stereotypes in a UPDM profile. When the UPDM profile is updated, the links will not be broken.
Do not create copies of the UPDM profile within a model, or create copies of the UPDM profile through XMI Import/Export. The copies of the UPDM profile will not work correctly and you will not be able to update the copies through the Update All Profiles command.
When you add a UPDM aliases profile to a model, the SysML and UML Profiles are also added to that model.
To add the UPDM Profile (MODAF aliases) profile package to a model:
1. From Modeler, open the Model to which you want to add the UPDM Profile (MODAF aliases) profile package.
2. On the Tools menu, click Add Profile.
3. Select the UPDM Profile (MODAF aliases) entry, and then click OK.
Modeler adds the UPDM Profile (MODAF aliases) profile package and the required UPDM Profile (Core) profile package to the model. When added to the model, the names of these Packages are UPDM MODAF Aliases and UPDM Profile respectively. The profiles are added as protected Packages.
To add the UPDM Profile (DoDAF aliases) profile package to a model:
1. From Modeler, open the Model to which you want to add the UPDM Profile (DoDAF aliases) profile package.
2. On the Tools menu, click Add Profile.
3. Select the UPDM Profile (DoDAF aliases) entry, and then click OK.
Modeler adds the UPDM Profile (DoDAF aliases) profile package and the required UPDM Profile (Core) profile package to the model. When added to the model, the names of these Packages are UPDM DODAF Aliases and UPDM Profile respectively. The profiles are added as protected Packages.
To add the UPDM Profile (NAF aliases) profile package to a model:
1. From Modeler, open the Model to which you want to add the UPDM Profile (NAF aliases) package.
2. On the Tools menu, click Add Profile.
3. Select the UPDM Profile (NAF aliases) entry, and then click OK.
Modeler adds the UPDM Profile (NAF aliases) profile package and the required UPDM Profile (Core) profile package to the model. When added to the model, the names of these Packages are UPDM NAF Aliases and UPDM Profile respectively. The profiles are added as protected Packages.
To add the UPDM Profile (Core) profile package to a model:
You may want to add only the UPDM Profile (Core) profile when creating your own aliases profile.
1. From Modeler, open the Model to which you want to add the UPDM Profile (Core) package.
2. On the Tools menu, click Add Profile.
3. Select the UPDM Profile (Core) entry, and then click OK.
Modeler adds the UPDM Profile (Core) profile package to the model. When added to the model, the name of the profile Package is UPDM Profile. The profile is added as a protected Package.