If you are using the UPDM Profile (MODAF aliases), UPDM Profile (DoDAF aliases) or UPDM (NAF aliases) profile and you want to use the product and element naming terminology in an alternative UPDM profile, simply add the UPDM aliases profile you want to use to the model.
To use an alternative UPDM profile for a model:
1. In Modeler, open the UPDM model.
2. On the Tools menu, click Add Profile.
3. Select the UPDM aliases profile you want to use, and then click OK.
4. Close and open the UPDM model.
When you add a different UPDM aliases profile, Modeler removes the old UPDM aliases profile before adding the new UPDM aliases profile.
Note that after changing the UPDM aliases profile in a model, the Page Reference property of products in that model may not be set correctly for the new UPDM aliases profile.