Customization > SySim- SysML model execution > Working with a SySim model execution > Starting a SySim model execution (SySim) > Working with the SySim model execution control bar (SySim)
Working with the SySim model execution control bar (SySim)
Preparing a SysML model for SySim
Modeling a SySim model execution
Generating and building a SySim model execution
Working with a SySim model execution:
Starting a SySim model execution
Working with the SySim model execution control bar
Generating a SySim model execution log
Importing a SySim model execution log to a sequence diagram
This topic provides information about using the SySim Control Bar to control a SySim model execution.
If you have built a Simulink shell for the SySim model execution, you must start that Simulink shell simulation to make the Simulation Start/Resume button or Simulation Suspend button available.
The text box on the SySim Control Bar displays the step count.
To start and run the SySim model execution:
1. Click the Simulation Start/Resume button.
2. If a Windows Security Alert dialog appears, click Unblock.
After starting the SySim model execution, the Simulation Start button appears dimmed.
To start and immediately pause the SySim model execution:
1. Click the Simulation Suspend button.
2. If a Windows Security Alert dialog appears, click Unblock.
After starting the SySim model execution, the Simulation Suspend button appears dimmed and the Simulation Single Step button is enabled.
To pause a SySim model execution:
Click the Simulation Suspend button.
After pausing the SySim model execution, the Simulation Suspend button appears dimmed rather than black.
To step through a paused SySim model execution:
Click the Simulation Single Step button.
The SySim model execution progresses one step through the execution loop.
To generate the log to an Excel spreadsheet:
Click the Simulation Log button.
The simulation log is written to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, which can be imported to a Modeler Sequence Diagram. For more information refer to Generating a SySim model execution log, Importing a SySim model execution log to a sequence diagram, and SySim model execution log
To view build errors:
Click the Errors button.
SySim opens a dialog for you to view the build errors.
To stop a SySim model execution:
Click the Simulation Stop button.
The SySim model execution is stopped and you can restart it if required.